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2024-12-13 19:38:53

What we are playing in this market is the game of funds, and the game depends on the comprehensive embodiment. For example, the theme leader of the index plate must know and then implement the operation of our stocks.The strongest connecting plate,What we are playing in this market is the game of funds, and the game depends on the comprehensive embodiment. For example, the theme leader of the index plate must know and then implement the operation of our stocks.

The strongest connecting plate,Now the bull market is not a general market, and there is not so much capital, so the market will be very fragmented, and the drought and flood will be waterlogged, so we must follow the right plate.Look at the 5-minute chart, this rise, and look at the white line segment. This is only a five-minute rise. After the B segment is finished, the callback time proves that the white line segment is finished, which means that the orange line segment A segment is finished.

And the plate, the market is like a booster. At the beginning of the year, three barrels of oil and weight banks were boosting, and before the National Day, it was boosted by the big financial plate of brokers. Now, in the sideways shock, it is also boosted by technology. If you break through the white box, you may have to turn to the white horse and blue chip to boost. This must be understood. This is the overall situationLate stocks, it is recommended to fast forward and fast out, too much quantization.Look at the green circle. It's like two mountain peaks. If you break through, the sky is vast. If you can't break through, you will continue to oscillate. It's a bit difficult for you to have enough power to push it up, so the closer you get to the white box, the more careful you are, and the oscillation will intensify.

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